A Warm Welcome for Rev Tim Starling

Rev Time Starling


I want to thank so many of you for such a warm and lovely welcome as I move into the Wye Reaches group of Churches and Villages. Since arriving in mid-July it has been wonderful to begin meeting some of you and starting to find my way around; I really hope that I will meet others of you in time.

I haven’t travelled too far to get here; previously I was in a group of 7 churches between Ross-on-Wye and Hereford; before that I worked in Human Resources for Marks & Spencer and for an international Charity supporting Church Leaders around the world.

I will be based in Whitchurch for a year while Hereford Diocese build a new Vicarage in Wyesham which I hope to move into next Summer.

Jesus Christ withdrew at times, during his ministry on earth, for refreshment, space and a change. I think that this is going to be a strange summer for many – as we all work out what is safe and wise for us to do ‘holiday-wise’, but I do really hope that you are able to enjoy meeting up with family and friends, perhaps have some time away, but whatever you do that you are able to find ways of having some refreshment and space over the coming months.

Take care and God bless,


You can contact Tim on: Mobile: 07980204572    Email: revtimstarling@gmail.com

The Village Hall is Open Again.

With the lifting of restrictions the village hall is fully opened once again. Regular classes are taking place with the majority of our previous classes and some new ones open for business.

The hall is conscious that many are still concerned about the easing of precautions and have left in place social distancing markings and disinfecting stations for those that wish to use them. They would also encourage users to continue to wear face masks when moving about the hall when it is busy.

For more information on what’s on visit the village hall website at www.bvhonline.co.uk

Hello Bishopswood! We have returned!

After an absence of more than a year we are in the early stages of building a new Bishopswood Village website providing local news and information to residents and visitors with the aim of helping to keep our fabulous community alive and buzzing. The pandemic has bought about many changes, not all of them negative. … Read more