Friends of Bishopswood Village Hall – Coming Soon!

Bishopswood Village Hall

Bishopswood Village Hall is a registered charity (no 520935) and exists to fulfil a charitable purpose of providing a facility for the local community, for holding meetings, lectures, classes, and other forms of recreation with the aim of improving the quality of life for those in our community.

We mostly achieve this through hire of the village hall to a variety of classes and workshops including yoga, pilates, sequence dancing, bridge, short mat bowls, brownies, jazz jive, pantomime, plus, more, and occasional function hire (parties, meetings etc), and community events organised by volunteers such as community lunches.

Our trustees make decisions to ensure the charity and its resources are protected, used, and managed effectively and in line with the Charity’s purpose.  Many also volunteer to help organise and run community events.  But they can’t do this alone and rely on other community volunteers to help.

We are will therefore shortly be launching “The Friends of Bishopswood Village Hall” a membership organisation whose participants volunteer to help deliver the halls charitable objectives.  It’s a great way of getting involved with the hall and community at your own pace.

Friends membership costs just £12 per annum per household.  Members have access to exclusive events throughout the year.  Early notification of upcoming events. Priority places for some events. Entry into an annual draw, and access to the Friends volunteering website. It’s a great way to meet and become involved with new people and membership may also provide the opportunity to gain or improve skills.

You can volunteer to help as much or as little as you wish, there is no obligation. The village hall is your space, why not have the satisfaction that being involved in one of our communities’ greatest assets brings.

The Friends website allows volunteers to see upcoming opportunities to help, and signup for those activities that are of interest, all under your own control.  Members can view their upcoming commitments on their dashboard and be reminded in advance of any shifts they have agreed to undertake.

If you don’t wish to become a Friend, but still want to volunteer you can be provided access to the Friends volunteering website.  But of course, you will not receive any of the associated benefits of being a Friend.

Information on how to sign-up and get involved will be published soon.