What’s on in February

Bishopswood Community

What’s coming up in Bishopswood in February …..

If you have an event or article that you would like publishing get in touch via the contact form.

Sunday 4th February – 9:30am All Saints, Big Breakfast (at the Village Hall).

Friday 9th February – 7:00pm Quiz Night, All welcome!

Saturday 10th February – 10:00am to 12:00 noon Café Bishopswood – Including “The Future of All Saints Church, Bishopswood”.

Sunday 11th February – 11:00am Holy Communion at Bishopswood Village Hall (meeting room).

Sunday 3rd March – 9:30am All Saints, Big Breakfast (at the Village Hall).

For more information on local church services visit: Wye Reaches – The Wye Reaches Benefice