What’s on in Bishopswood?

Bishopswood from Goodrich

What’s coming up in Bishopswood in the next month or so …..

Saturday 30th September – 2:00pm First Aid Course (open to Walford Parishioners by booking – see separate post)

Sunday 1st October – 9:30am All Saints, Big Breakfast (at the Village Hall) is back from the Summer break.

Friday 6th October – 7:00pm Gin Experience Evening with Foxtail Distillery.

Sunday 8th October – 3:00pm All Saints, Bishopswood – Harvest Festival.

Saturday 14th October – 10:00am Café Bishopswood with Book Swap.

Sunday 5th November – 9:30am All Saints, Big Breakfast (at the Village Hall)

Saturday 11th November – 10:00am Café Bishopswood with Bric-a-brac Swap.

Sunday 12th November – 10.45am Service cenotaph and service in church.

Saturday 2nd December – Save the date! Platinum are back for Rocking Around the Christmas Tree party.

For more information on church services visit: Wye Reaches – The Wye Reaches Benefice