What’s on in Bishopswood …

Bishopswood Community

What’s coming up in Bishopswood in the next month or so …..

Saturday 2nd December – 7:30pm Platinum are back for Rocking Around the Christmas Tree party – SOLD OUT!

Sunday 3rd December – 9:30am All Saints, Big Breakfast (at the Village Hall).

Saturday 9th December – 10:00am to 12:00 noon Café Bishopswood.

Sunday 10th December – 3:00pm Brass Band Carol Service at All Saints Church.

Sunday 17th December – 12:30pm Christmas Community Lunch.

Monday 25th December – 11:00am Christmas Day Service and Holy Communion at All Saints Church.

Sunday 14th January 2024 – 11:00am Holy Communion (at Bishopswood Village Hall).

For more information on local church services visit: Wye Reaches – The Wye Reaches Benefice