What’s Coming Up in Bishopswood?

Bishopswood from Goodrich

Some dates for your diary of upcoming events in the next month or so.

Monday 23rd – Sunday 29th January – Village Halls Week Follow on social media #VillageHallsWeek

Saturday 28th January – Friends of Bishopswood Village Hall event

Sunday 5th February – 9:30am Bishopswood Big Breakfast (no service)

Saturday 11th – 10:00am Café Bishopswood

Sunday 12th February – 11:00am All Saints Church, Bishopswood – Holy Communion (Common Worship)

Thursday 2nd – Saturday 4th March – Curtains up 7:30pm evening 2:30pm Saturday matinee – Pantomime production of Rapunzel – Tickets on sale soon.

Sunday 12th March – 11:00am All Saints Church, Bishopswood – Holy Communion (Common Worship)