Seasons Greetings from Neighbourhood Watch

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Message Type Icon Seasons Greetings from Neighbourhood Watch
As we come to the end of what has been a year filled with highs and lows, we want to thank you for supporting Neighbourhood Watch, whether you are a member of our charity or simply receive messages from us.  

We know this can be a very special time of year for some and a very challenging time of year for others. If you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out to your neighbours, friends or family and start the conversation with a simple ‘hello’.  

Our goal at Neighbourhood Watch is help people feel, and be, safer and more connected to their communities. And so to welcome in the new year, we would like to make you a promise that we will continue our best to provide you with useful crime prevention information and support you to connect with your neighbours and community.

We are making this a better place to live. Together.   Best wishes, Central Support Team, Neighbourhood Watch Network  
Message Sent By
Cheryl Spruce
(NWN, Head of Membership & Community Engagement, National)