A reminder that official notice of a formal pre-submission public consultation of The Draft Walford Neighbourhood Development Plan has been posted.
Walford Parish Council invites comments on the Draft Plan. All responses received will be considered by the Parish Council to inform a revised version of the Plan. The revised version of the Plan will then be submitted to Herefordshire Council, as the local planning authority, for examination by an independent examiner.
Walford Neighbourhood Development Plan has been developed to help deliver the local community’s requirements and aspirations for the plan period up to 2031. The Plan has been created through listening to the views of the residents of the Parish.
The Plan will provide a means of guiding, promoting and enabling balanced and sustainable change and growth within the designated area of Walford Parish.
The Draft Plan may be viewed at https://www.walford-pc.org.uk/planning/ndp/ or https://walford-ndp.co.uk/project-documents/the-neighbourhood-plan/ or be emailed to residents on request to clerk@walford-pc.org.uk. Copies are also available for inspection at Ross Library, The Inn on the Wye and the Mill Race pub. Paper copies of the Plan may be borrowed by emailing clerk@walford-pc.org.uk
Responses may be emailed to clerk@walford-pc.org.uk or posted to Walford Parish Council, Unitas Villa, Camp Road, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5NJ.