Moving into Mindfulness

Moving into Mindfulness

Here is an invitation to come and experience what mindfulness and moving has to offer

At Bishopswood Village Hall
Tuesdays 20 September @ 11.00am and 27 September @ 11.00am

Our modern age has some unique stresses which challenge our abilities to rest or to be active with little effort.

Mindfulness Meditation has been shown to make changes in the neural pathways, changes which can have a powerful impact on how we react or respond to the uncertainties of living.

People often associate meditation with sitting on a cushion, keeping still. Whilst these practices are valuable, mindfulness also needs to be practised in activity.

The aim of these sessions is to introduce you to gentle guided movements ( in sitting and standing) which offer simple ways to experience a focus of attention, raising awareness of habits, releasing tensions and living opportunities for more ease.

Wordy descriptions are never going to really explain what this has to offer. Come and have first-hand experience and discover maybe, how you can bring mindful awareness into your daily lives.

Donations for the session accepted but no fee required.

Curious to know more, to book a place, or to express an interest, please contact Rosemarie

e-mail: or phone/text: 07399 620833

Rosemarie has had a meditation practice since 2006, trained with Bangor University and The Sussex Mindfulness Centre, as well as being a certified Feldenkrais practitioner. Prior to this, she spent over 25 years in NHS as a Speech and Language Therapist.